If you placed and order on new year’s eve you have a chance of getting special handmade laser cut wood box with special holiday season engraving.
New York City is the biggest place more marketing, we are surrounded by thousands of logos, ads, signs all over the place. No matter where you look there is at least one marketing message that you face. LaserCutZ helps marketing, branding and creative agencies to deliver their message to the end users in a tangible form. Laser-CutZ offer fabrication of signs, displays and other methods of corporate identity. You create the idea and we make it happen.
Plywood used to imitate iron railing fence of antique European style. Laser-Cutz.com have designed the artwork based on client’s requirements and photo references. Our artist converted hand drawn sketch that was prosed to the client and then machine ready file was cut by laser cutter out of the plywood. Final product will be deployed to retail stores in NYC along with other cities across the country and abroad.